Patricio’s “Close Quarters” produced by Cachalote is part of the official selection of the Fuoriformato Festival 2020 in Italy, specifically in the Stories We Dance Selection. Out of 128 nominated films, 7 where chosen as finalists, including Patricio’s latest. The films where exhibited via a live streaming session Friday 7th of August 2020.
FuoriFormato – international dance and videodance festival is an annual review of shows, performances and videodance dedicated to contemporary dance. Completely free for the public, FuoriFormato is organized by the Municipality of Genoa and curated by Teatro Akropolis, RETE Danzacontempoligure cultural association and Augenblick cultural association, in close synergy and collaboration with the public and private institutions of the city.

You canc check the festival 2020 whole programme HERE.